Friday 15 April 2016

Raw for the Oceans

After understanding that design can convey and communicate an important message I searched around for any previous campaigns where this technique had been used to create awareness on a particular subject. This is where I cam across the Raw for the Oceans campaign by G-Star Raw in conjunction with Pharrell Williams. The campaign aims to give awareness about the continuous growing issue with people littering the oceans around the globe. Todo this they have created a simple character design of an octopus and the recurring use of the slogan 'WTF are you doing to my oceans' across the line of apparel available for purchase.

The use of the cute character will instantly be engaging for the consumer/viewer due to the baby-face bais. Humans instantly connect with anything conceived as being 'cute' as cuteness connotes honestly, naivety and innocence. Thus making the design more approachable etc.
With the use of the slogan 'wtf are you doing to my oceans', intended to be coming from the cute ocopus character it instantly will evoke emotions within the consumer, wanting to help this helpless, innocent character. Thus being a very effective marketing and campaigning technique, whilst also being a very aesthetically yet simple graphic apparel design. All while being an androgynous design.

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