Friday 23 October 2015


I've always been a huge fan of the Paperchase chain, they continuously bring out with what seems like always on trend designs on an array of products. All are quirky and unique, drawing in a wide range of consumers.
They always have a fair few different lines available at one time, each line completely different. This may be part of the reason the shop is so successful, as their products attract a wide range of people.
They also always have lines out for different holidays throughout the year, such as halloween, christmas, easter etc.

I took some screenshots from their website just to show what their overall aesthetic is like.

What I have noticed website wise between Paperchase and Sighh;
  • Blog-like/Instagram lay out (pleasing to the eye)
  • Eye catching text describing the product/any offers etc
  • Great product photography
  • Consistency 
I tried to find more information on the specific designers who work for Paperchase but so far I have had no luck. Although I do believe Paperchase head hunt themselves for designers, although that could be wrong. I was hoping to interview a designer or someone related to that position in the Paperchase company but that might be harder that anticipated. 

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