Friday 23 October 2015

Meeting with Lynn

I recently had a meeting with Lynn, which turned out to be very helpful indeed!
I mentioned my phone case business to her and mentioned that I aim to continue to develop my designs and business etc. After discussing my thoughts and interest I decided, for now, to narrow down and look at things surrounding my business. Also what I want to achieve this year at uni, for my final honours project.
Things I want todo with my business/honours project;

  • develop better and more designs
    • learn further about illustrator/photoshop/after effects
  • expand onto more products
  • create lines
    • christmas/typography/etc
  • research trends (forecasting)
  • interview similar companies as well as bigger companies in the same line of work (such as paper chase) (use instead as a case study in dissertation) (compare)
  • look further into branding
  • what makes patterns/designs appealing to people
Companies I'm interested in contacting/researching;
  • Sighh
  • Skinny Dip
  • Paperchase
  • H&M
  • Ohh Dear
Now that I have solid aims and goals for the year, I now feel I can start to pin down a final question for my dissertation. Below are some questions which I can hopefully turn into one final question;

  1. Which aspects of a brand makes it appealing to the consumer?
  2. How do trends effect a business working in the retail market?
  3. How has the rapid development in software transformed the design industry?
  4. Do the consumers prefer digitally enhanced designs over traditionally designed art on products?
  5. Is there still a place for traditional art based design, in the modern digital age?
  6. How to you make art work and design appealing to a larger audience?
I will need to revisit these topic questions later on and narrow down even further. For now, I can research and look wider for inspiration and see where that leads me!

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