Tuesday 15 March 2016

Relation of the design to the product.

After receiving feed from the presentation, it became clear that I need to have more of a solid reason behind my art work and why I'm putting them onto these products.

  • I want to create a line of designs for use on a wide array of products, specifically phone cases and tshirts. 
  • My main target market is within the youth street style culture. Aprox 15 - 25 yo style/fashion conscious people.
    • During my research it is clear that trends have drastically changed and developed over the decades.
    • 'Fast Fashion' is what current young people want.
      • 'The phrase “fast fashion” refers to low-cost clothing collections that mimic current luxury fashion trends. Fast fashion helps sate deeply held desires among young consumers in the industrialized world for luxury fashion, even as it embodies unsustainability.' 
          • https://www3.nd.edu/~jsherry/pdf/2012/FastFashionSustainability.pdf
      • Previously A&F was a popular brand with most youths wearing their logo and strongly branded tshirts, it was a status symbol. Now the youth have become much more fashion/style conscious, partly due to the rise in social media, meaning fast fashion is much more in demand. ***they can not be seen in the same outfit twic***fashion is constantly changing***must keep up with the changes to be cool***
          • These brands have adapted to these changes, as the youth aren't as concerned about brands anymore. A&F is a lot more basic and plain now, which is what the youth want.
  • Now knowing that the target market want designs/products that are simple and could potentially last more than one season and also something they'd be willing to share on their social media platforms.
  • Referring back to street fashion - ITS THE NEW FASHION ACCESSORY
    • 'Because your iPhone is so visible, whatever you use to encase it becomes a defining personal statement. That’s a fair amount of pressure.' http://www.wsj.com/articles/phone-cases-the-new-it-fashion-accessory-1440706448
    • Brands such as Moschino have changed the iphone cover game, making huge rubber cartoon style cases, it gives the usual fashion conscious and 'sophisticated' people have fun with their accessories. 
    • Having fun with these designs is something I want todo and achieve, I don't want them to be boring or the same as the next one

Creating emotional connection through design


If a consumer can quickly understand a design, then they will find the design more appealing as their brain has not had to struggle to understand. Designs are easiest to read if the contrast is not too high or there is not too many distracting patterns going on throughout the design. These are a few factors I will need consider when creating my final concepts.

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