Tuesday 15 March 2016

Playing off the Apple logo

To try and make the designs more relevant to the product they're being places on, I decided to play off the apple logo, so I came up with these ideas.

I used some of the designs I have already previously created, based of the tattoo inspiration, with the roses and the pugs. Repeated patterns/designs is something which I noticed is a popular trend within the current highstreet stores, on accessories. I also really like the idea of having a see through case, as a lot of phones available now come in a range of colours, meaning people are more likely to want to show that off. Seeing the different colour through the case also gives the designs different dynamic.

I also created designs playing straight off the apple logo, with the worm coming out and the apple juice. Although the apple juice idea has been done before. I also placed a mandala I created previously to sit around the logo, which I think works okay. Although it is unfortunate that the logo doesn't sit central on the phone.

I also played with the idea of using a different fruit to cover the apple, using a pine apple and then an eaten apple. I quite like these ideas, although I think people might think they're too plain for a case.

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