Monday 25 January 2016

Trying it out...

I came up with a really simple obvious design based on the research I had done surrounding Sailor Jerrys tattoo designs. I created it in illustrator based of the symbols for death, using the quote 'death or dishonour'. A bold, simple yet striking quote used within the sailors as the ventured through the challenging seas.

I kept the style very simple, using clean black outlines and keeping to a simple grey toned palette. I plan on pushing this design further in the future and combining it with other designs, eventually creating a bigger design with lots of smaller elements and meanings to it. 
I also hope to look into what kind of colour palettes where traditionally used although I think I'd like to keep these designs simple in regards to colour. 
I would also like to incorporate some of my own style and techniques I have used in the based to help add more interest to the designs.

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