Friday 22 January 2016

Sailor Jerry

As sailors began travelling the world to different countries like Japan, China and the Pacific Islands which all have great tattoo cultures. These western sailors became accustomed to these tattoos, then began tattooing themselves as a memory of their journeys.

The invasion at Pearl Harbor became a leave destination for millions of servicemen, which was also the home to the tattoo shop owned by former Navy man called Norman Collins, aka Sailor Jerry.

  • 'Jerry combined vivid color, bold iconography and sheer artistic ambition to create a new kind of tattooing. He was also the first Westerner to correspond with and learn directly from the great Japanese tattoo masters. He mastered their techniques and vowed to “beat them at their own game” — which he did by combining their techniques with his own gusty American sensibility to come up with a new style of tattooing. Refined, bold and iconic. Sometimes beautiful.'

  • 'By the 50’s and 60’s, Americans getting tattoos included the most aggressive elements of counterculture, outlaw biker gangs, convicts and others without the desire or expectation to “move up” in society.'
  • 'By the late 70’s and early 80’s, getting aggressively tattooed and pierced became a mark of punk culture’s disdain for conformity and social mobility.'
  • 'Jerry's flash designs remain wildly popular at tattoo shops everywhere. And the union of boldness and complexity Jerry achieved with his work continues to be a hallmark of the form.'
Flash symbol meanings within the sailor tattoo culture;

 Secure, keeps you grounded.
 Death - warriors, mercenaries and adventurers. 'Death or Dishonor' 'Rats get fat while brave men die'.

 Inspired by the Japanese tattoo masters, exotic ghosts.

Eagles - symbolic of America, honour, prowess and intelligence

 Panther - ferocious and masculine.

Hawaii - peace/paradise on earth.
Sailor Jerry also known for is Hulu girl.

 Hearts - love/featured names of a loved one or 'mum'.
 Lucky 13 - flips a bad luck symbol on its head, displays Jerrys sense of humour also.

 Military - symbols togetherness within the platoon etc.
 Nautical Star - represents the north star which sailors typically use as navigation. The star was believed to help keep the sailor on course.
 Pig and Rooster - when a ship wrecked the wooden cages the roosters and pigs where kept where used as a floatation device. Traditionally sailors got a rooster on top of the right foot and a pig on top of the left.

Pin up Girls - these designs would be the only feminine object a sailor would see for months.
Sharks - courage and will.
 Shellback - a sailor was awarded with this tattoo when they had crossed the equator.
 Ships - adventure and meaning, determination to be 'homeward bound'.

Snakes - potency and power, warding off evil, misfortune and possible brawls. King cobra was Jerrys most tattooed snake.

Swallows - indicating a sailor has sailed over 5000 miles, also associated with the idea of return.

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