Monday 22 February 2016

Tradional Flash Tattoos

As I continue my research into tattoo designs, I came across 'traditional flash tattoos', which is very much the direction I want to head in. Also a lot of them bare resemblance to that of Sailor Jerrys designs.
Below are some designs I particularly am drawn to.

I particularly like the designs where they are put into a frame as I feel they look more finished and tidy. This is something I think my designs are lacking, so I hope to incorporate some of these design aspects into my own work.

I decided to create some of my own flash tattoo concept, while trying to keep them contemporary and relevant to the current trends. 

I also took the cactus into photoshop to add colour and try out the stippling technique, to help add shade and depth within the design. 

Overall I was happy with how these experiments turned out and hope to develop on this style of design, throughout my project.

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