Thursday 5 November 2015

Pixel art...

I accidentally stumbled into the world of pixel art, which I know a lot of people don't enjoy but I've actually been really enjoying it! I originally tried it out because I was wanting to make a pixel pattern phone case for my brother but ended up doing much more!
Since christmas is soon and I was already planning on creative a christmas line for Blackhoney I decided to play around and create some christmas designs.
I was heavily inspired by nordic and the famous christmas jumper phenomenon and this is what I came up with!

I am really pleased with how each design came out, especially since this is the first time using this technique!
I'm also please because I think even though they are each quite different, the style and technique helps tie them together. Which is great when I'm considering using them in my christmas line!
I have ordered some phone cases, a mug, pocket mirrors and a bottle opener with these designs on. I'm really excited to receive them and hopefully get some really good product photos!

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