Friday 6 November 2015


Something I noticed from my previous post of male designs was what appeared to be oil printing designs, implemented onto t-shirts. Oil printing is something I have done previously and still have the images I created. So I decided to play around with those images again but this time thinking about what I have discovered with my research, regarding what is currently on trend in mens clothing.

To create these designs;
  • I took my previously scanned oil printings I did, I then looked at the shapes created in the printing and working what would work out the most effectively. I then erased the areas which where not working to create a new shape. 
  • I then played around with the colours/saturation etc until I came to a set of colours I thought worked well and would perhaps be appealing to people. 
  • I then set the design to either the top of bottom of the page, similar to the designs I have been looking at in my previous research.
  • I then applied them onto phone cases.

I really love how these have come out and hope to develop these designs and method further.

With the last image I decided to have some fun with it and add a spaceman character to the oil print. I think the oil prints are similar to *space/galaxy*, so that was my thinking when it came to drawing a space guy.

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