Monday, 22 February 2016

Aurochs Skull Design

On my trip to the McManus I came across an Aurochs skull which I really liked the shape of and hoped to incorporate it into one of my designs. After researching the framed flash tattoo designs, that was the style I was hoping to achieve.
So using a mixture of photoshop and illustrator I came up with these designs.

I used the stipple work I have previously looked into, to help add subtle shading into the design which I think works well here and helps add slight dimension and depth without being too over powering.

I wasn't too sure about the design of the frame so below is a version without the frame but with the centre filled in.

I also implemented the design onto a phone case and a tshirt, I think the design works pretty well on the tshirt. Although it has been pointed out to me that it bares resemblance with a certain reproductive system which is something I'll probably need to look into and edit the design slightly. 

However I am overall pleased with how this design and concept has turned out and I'm now excited to get on and create further designs with a similar concept.

Tradional Flash Tattoos

As I continue my research into tattoo designs, I came across 'traditional flash tattoos', which is very much the direction I want to head in. Also a lot of them bare resemblance to that of Sailor Jerrys designs.
Below are some designs I particularly am drawn to.

I particularly like the designs where they are put into a frame as I feel they look more finished and tidy. This is something I think my designs are lacking, so I hope to incorporate some of these design aspects into my own work.

I decided to create some of my own flash tattoo concept, while trying to keep them contemporary and relevant to the current trends. 

I also took the cactus into photoshop to add colour and try out the stippling technique, to help add shade and depth within the design. 

Overall I was happy with how these experiments turned out and hope to develop on this style of design, throughout my project.

Monday, 15 February 2016


As I have been researching tattoo designs, I notice the mandala design is quite a popular concept. I learnt a good technique in Illustrator on how to create them.

To help add interest to the design I used the technique of dotting used in tattoo designs to help add more tone to the design. Making the overall design more dynamic.

I also wanted to try add something other than just lines in the mandala designs, so in this design I incorporated a fly design I had seen at the mcmanus. I'm not overly pleased with how this one came out but I think if I kept playing around with it and pushed it further it would gain more interest.  

Here I have added part of the mandala design onto a skull drawing, I really like how this design came out especially the added shading I did again with the dot work. I hope to continue with the design concept and push it further, hopefully adding more elements.

McManus Visit

I went to the McManus to have a look at the taxidermy exhibition, as I was hoping to include some animals in my designs. As it would be good to get some proper references for my designs.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

New Phone Case!

I decided to try out a new way of putting my designs onto phone cases, this putting the designs onto a translucent case. Meaning the colour/effect of the phone itself can interact with my designs, something which I find quite interesting and exciting as I have not done something like this before.
I used this simple hand drawn design I had drawn a while ago, but through illustrator to change the design into a vector then created the phone case!

This is the final design on the transparent case, really love how it came out and I'm excited to produce more designs for use like this.
I also think interacting with the phones logo on the back would be an interesting design idea to play about with.